QT designed instrumentation Source/Measure/Misc modules for:
1-IVVI-rack only
2-Both IVVI and SPI-rack
3-SMS-rack (obsolete)
Modules that are SPI-rack only(label "SPI" on front) are not listed here,see SPI link at mainpage for these

In the list below, the first module in each source/measure categorie is the default, general model

Voltage Source output range gain info
S3b Vmode +/-0.2V floating 0.1-100m V/V V and I mode
S1d +/-8V floating 1-4 V/V option +/- 25V (int. batt)
S1h +/-30..90V 0.1uA
15..45 V/V backgate control, I-mon.
option up to 180V
S1f 8xamp +/-12V 5V/V amps for DAC D5
front in/out (int. batt)
S4c Vmode +/-4V 1-2 V/V V/I mode V/I-fast monitor out
S4d dual Vmode +/-4V 1-2 V/V V/I mode, dual source
mcx con.out
S5a complex pulse +/-2V 50 ohm 0.5V/V 6levels/4output 1nS needs interface upgrade
S5b dual pulse +/-1V 50 ohhm 0.5V/V 4nS rise/fall DACs>offset and ampl
S5c 4level pulse +/-1V 50 ohm 0.5V/V 0.3nS rise dedicated pulse shape
S5d fast pulse +/-0.3V 50 ohm 0.5V/V 0.2nS rise/fall 2 levels, set by DACs
S5e precision LFpulse +/-4V 2V/V 50ohm 1..100uS rise/fall
8 levels max., diff. out
S5f Triggerdistribution +/1V2 in 50 ohm 5x SMA out fiber input and SMA input
S5g HF-source/pulser +/-2V 200MHz 1V/V dc-200MHz levels via DACs
S5h Clamping amp +/-2V Vclamp 1V/V dc-200MHz levels via DACs
S5j RF-modulator +/-2V 200MHz 1V/V AWG modulator analog control dc-1MHz
P1a potmeter potm 0..+/-9V 1V/V in-out passive potmeter in-out (int. batt)
S1c(obsolete) 110V floating 100 V/V switch +110/-110V replaced by S1h
S5 (obsolete) +/-1V 0.5V/V 50ohm 4nS rise/fall replaced by S5b
S1 (obsolete) +/-8V floating 1/2 V/V remote control replaced by S1d
S3(obsolete) +/-200mV floating 0.1..100mV/V remote control replaced by S3b
S3m(obsolete) +/-0.2V floating 0.1-100m V/V
replaced by S3b

Current Source output range Vout-max info
S4m 10n-10mA 4V(8Vsymm)
single/symm out
S4c set to I 10n-20mA 4V(8Vsymm) V or I source V/I fast monitor out
S4d dual source 10n-20mA 4V single only
S4f dual source 1uA-20mA 4V single/sym mcx outputs
S3b set to I 100uA floating 0.2V V or I-mode
SM1 Isource/Vmeas 1-10-100uA 4V Iso-out 4-wire 1module
P1a potmeter 90uA 9V battery+potmeter
S4e Battsource 1-100uA 6V ultralow noise decade switches
S4(obsolete) 10n-10mA 4V(8Vsymm) remote replaced by S4m
S4b (obsolete) 100uA floating 0.2V
replaced by S3b

Voltage Measure gain info info
M2m diff 1..10E4 ac/dc (+hpf)
optional highpass for switch detect
M2b diff 100..10E4 ac/dc gain 2nV@1kHz/2.5nV@1Hz JFET diffamp
M2d diff 100..10E4 ac 100x dc 0.8nV@1kHz JFET diffamp
M2e diff 1..10E5 zoom/comparator additional fibre-out
M2c diff 1..100 Rin>1Tohm guard-output 5fA bias
M2f single 10E3 10kHz...5MHz
0.7nV noise single
SMA-in fibre-out
M2g single 1-10 dc...200MHz SMA-in fibre-out use with preamp
M2i diff 100-10E4 dc dc..200kHz 2nV diff JFET 3nV@0.5Hz
M2k AWG buffer 2V/V for 5014AWG +/-2V in 50ohm 1ns risetime
M2 (obsolete) 1..10E4 ac/dc remote control replaced by M2m
preamp HMT2 single 100
10kHz-80MHz 0.25nV/sqrtHz @4MHz Roomtemp
cryoamp+bias FQ1 3(+postamp)
5kHz-80MHz 0.3nV/sqrtHz @4MHz 0.5Kelvin 90uW
cryoamp+bias HMT3 x2
100kHz-1GHz high input imp+dcbias Roomtemp and cryo

Current Measure gain bandwidth info
M1b 1M-100GV/A dc..200Hz groundlift,log option ac/dc postgain
M1h 1M-10GV/A dc..10kHz groundlift ac/dc postgain
M1g 10MV/A dc..50kHz groundlift ac/dc postgain
M1e (obsolete >M1g) 10MV/A dc..30kHz postgain 1/10/100 low 1/F noise
M1f (obsolete >M1g) 10MV/A dc..50kHz low noise at high bandw Cin up to 2nF
M1r postgain /1/10/100 dc..100kHz interface to preamp IV-M1r ac/dc postgain
M1c remote cryo-IV 300Hz..5MHz cryogenic preamp fibre read-out
M3m Ic meas comparator+S&H read V, store Ic critical current meas volt(Ic), trig out
M3a Ic meas comparator+S&H read V, store Ic critical current meas is M3m+M0 iso-out
M3c Ic meas comparator+S&H read V, store Ic critical current meas is M3m+M0b iso-out
M1(obsolete >M1b) 1M-100GV/A dc..200Hz remote control replaced by M1b
preamp IVMB1 100GV/A
dc..3Hz 0.5fA/sqrtHz no input cable (<2cm)
preamp M1r 10MV/A dc..100kHz Iv-box M1r low Rin(100 ohm)

Combined Source-Meas(-Iso) Source Measure info
VIa (IVVI only) 100mV-100uV 1G-1M V/A S3b+M1b+M0
VIb (IVVI and SPI, preferred version) 100mV-100uV 1G-1M V/A S3b+M1b+M0b
VIc (IVVI only) 100mV-100uV 1G-1M V/A S3b+M1h+M0
VId (IVVI and SPI, preferred version) 100mV-100uV 1G-1M V/A S3b+M1h+M0b
IVa (IVVI only) 1n-10mA 1-1000 V/V S4m+M2m+M0
IVb (IVVI only, with clip indication leds) 1n-10mA 1-1000 V/V S4m+M2m+M0
IVc (IVVI and SPI, preferred version) 1n-10uA 1-1000 V/V S4m+M2m+M0b
IVd (IVVI and SPI, preferred version) 1n-10mA 1-1000 V/V S4m+M2m+M0b
SM1 (obsolete) 1-100 uA/V 10-1000 V/V Iso-out
SM1a Potentiostat Vsource+Vm+Imeas I-meas 1M..1GV/A No Iso-out

(for source/meas slots)
info info info
U1 (obsolete) softswitch samplewires smooth 1 sec changeover remote control
U1a softswitch samplewires smooth 1 sec changeover remote control
U1b softswitch samplewires smooth 1 sec changeover remote control
P2a cryoamp supply specs to be added
P2b cryoamp supply specs to be added
P2c cryoamp supply specs to be added
P3 cryoamp supply interface specs to be added
F1a (see F1c) RF mixer passive 4-8GHz IQ downmixer
F1b (see F1c) RF mixer passive 4-8GHz IQ upmixer
F1c RF mixer passive 4-8GHz IQ up/down
F2a RF tunable filters 60M-1.2GHz bandpass
A1 connector adapter lemo-mcx-bnc-ban.jack
A2 ground/link adapter mcx panel for extra ground/link
A3c overvoltage protection mcx panel with diode clamps
A4 adapter SMA to MCX
A6 12 series resistors panel
M3b PID controller setpoint via DAC
R1 sample simulator 0-1Gohm serie/parr lemo-mcx
R2 dual gate resistor 10M-100M-1Gohm serie lemo-mcx

Global description of the source/measure modules:
All modules have one or more function-controls to set things like: gain, mode etc. Usually this is done by knobs on the module. On the backplane there are some voltage control/readout lines that will be described below.
The routing of the voltage control-lines can be changed by the user in the so-called "summing module" S2 (see also IVVI-doc)
Source modules have one (or two) differential control-voltage inputs that can be driven by a DAC (D5-unit) and/or a signal from an iso-amp (e.g. for lock-in type measurements). In the summing module (S2) these inputs are labelled, for example: AV1, AV2 (slot A, control voltage 1, control voltage 2).
Measure modules have a value-output voltage that is fixed-routed to one of the iso-amp outputs (channel set by the slot it is in). Measure slots also offer two (rarely used) differential control-voltage inputs (labels Ma, Mb) to set certain parameters if implemented (example:treshold for comparator in M3).
1V is considered to be the full-scale for the source-value-control and measure-signal-output. Example: setting the current source on 1uA means +/-1V control will give +/-1uA.
Depending on the source/measure module there is some additional headroom (all iso-amps go to more than +/3V). Measure modules usually have a factor of 3 headroom (reason:what you measure is not known and usually noisy so dynamic range is important).
Source modules have less headroom (10..100%) because you are aware of what you are sending so noise level is optimised instead of dynamic range.
note:(#) Modules labelled with "remote control" (function) control have no knobs but need control from a control panel and fit only in the obsolete SMS and the very first obsolete version of the IVVI-rack.
All other modules have manual control and fit in all systems (but have no remote function control when used in the SMS rack).
Modules with "remote control" like S1,S3,M1 are still in use but labelled "obsolete" and can no longer be produced and cannot be used in the current version of racks.