S1c, High Voltage source module (now replaced
by S1h) This module is designed to provide up to 110V to a high impedance (>10Mohm) load, usually a (back)gate. To prevent interference it uses a static optical method to generate these voltages, so no switching signals or transformers are used. The [Hv-out] output pins (pin 4-2) have a 100Mohm resistance to ground and either one can be grounded by the user, or even lifted. The [Output mode] switch sets the polarity (it reverses pins). The [Error] led lights when the output voltage is not correct, usually because of too much loading (>2uA). Use the buffered monitor output [Monitor 1V/100V] to check the output because a multimeter loads the real output too much already. The error of this readout is <= 1% Although the output voltage can be high, use of the module is safe because the currents that it can deliver are< 1/1000 of the danger level (as long as it is not used to charge capacitors) Maximum output current is approx 10uA, bandwidth is 10..100Hz, depending on the load capacitance. step response no load step response capacitive load 3nF Manufacturing options are: lower full-scale voltage at higher current. Double circuitry inside to make up to 220V. |